Friday, 21 December 2012

Mudavadi Duped Once Again

Mudavadi once said that powerful people in the Government were out to sour his relationship with Raila.Indeed they managed to do that. They dangled a carrot for Mudavadi and he ran for it. Now he is a stranded man, out of options. His political career was shining, he was assured of a second slot while in ODM until he felt he was a man,politically mature to ran on his own. In 2007, Raila chose him as running mate over William Ruto. Remember Ruto had the numbers yet Odinga chose to ignore him and went for Mudavadi. It is Raila who saved Mudavadi's career, he was kicked out even in his home turf during the 2002 elections when he was duped with a short tenure vice presidency. Truly, Mudavadi has demonstrated that he cannot be entrusted with the affairs of the nation. He is the water melon. A man of mistakes he is. After dumping ODM citing a disagreement over nomination process method of delegates versus county, Mudavadi launched his presidential ambition under the umbrella of UDF. His political insurgence was fast. He however didn't reach the finish line. The same forces that mislead him in 2002 knocked again. He swallowed the bait oblivious of the dangers he was posing on his political career. Ironically, he even embraced the delegate system of nomination which he had vehemently opposed while in ODM. Even to that, he was dumped rudely. He is no longer the Western region point-man. He rubbished the wisdom of the late Martin Shikuku. My advise to the Luhya vote is simple. Elect leadership that will steer not only your region but a country as a whole to a whole new level. Be wise. Don't be swayed by money. I rest my case.

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