Wednesday, 26 December 2012


 A Scania bus was driving down a cliff at a very high speed.As it reached in the middle of the cliff, a woman who didn't notice the bus was crossing. Coincidentally, the woman crossing was the driver's fiancee. The mother of his kids. The Scania bus driver had to quickly decide.He had only two option.Would he risk the lives of the many people he was carrying by making an emergency break which could roll the bus or would he just ram on the woman to save the passengers. Brave as he was,he opted for the latter. He knew what he had lost but then had to do it for the sake of the many passengers he was carrying.He quickly stopped the bus a few metres ahead to try and save the woman's fading life but it was rather too late. They reached when she was taking the last breath. Ofcourse the driver was crestfallen. Upon receiving the news, the family of the woman's side blamed the driver and hurled abuses at him. They completely disengaged with him. They even took his kids away. However, those who knew that decisions made out of anger never last comforted the driver hailing his brevity. It was a worthy cause.
That is the kind of debacle that Raila Odinga is facing from the Kalenjin people. They are blaming him fronting for the evictions of the Mau forest squatters. After his brevity in evicting squatters from Kenya's major water tower, leaders from the region saw an opening to launch a backlash. Led by William Ruto, they stormed out of ODM.


The Kikuyu vote is hermetic, seldom do they endorse an outsider.I am not a hater, neither am i propagating tribalism here. I arrived at this conclusion after constructing viable premises. Here we go; The period that preceded Kenya's independence provided an opportunity for the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga a clear opportunity to be president. But instead of grabbing this opportunity, he demonstrated a rare fete, he opted to preserve this coveted seat to the detained Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. And that is how the Presidency eluded the Luo community- to date. Although he was made Kenya's first Vice President, he would later fall out with Mzee in 1966 after serving on a short stint. Then, one of the architects of Kenya's economic development Tom Mboya, the man who was making long strides towards succeeding Mzee Jomo, was assassinated July 5, 1969. It is a muted truth that those behind his brutal killing were the powerful people who didn't want him to take the mantle from Kenyatta. Well, several years passed on, Moi took over the reigns of power, the 1982's failed coup de tat, in which the Odingas were widely mentioned. However,Odinga would mount a powerful rebellion in the late 80s to push for a multi party Kenya. He succeeded and for the first time, the presidency had come a reality for Jaramogi after he was made the Chairman for the FORD party, a party that appeared strong enough to pluck KANU's Moi from State House. The dream was short-lived. Matiba, who was entrusted to deliver the Central Kenya vote disengaged from FORD to form FORD-Asili. Matiba finished second in the hotly contested 1992 general election. If he had partnered with Jaramogi, surely, the arithmetic could have been different. Unfortunately, Jaramogi died January 1994.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Mudavadi Duped Once Again

Mudavadi once said that powerful people in the Government were out to sour his relationship with Raila.Indeed they managed to do that. They dangled a carrot for Mudavadi and he ran for it. Now he is a stranded man, out of options. His political career was shining, he was assured of a second slot while in ODM until he felt he was a man,politically mature to ran on his own. In 2007, Raila chose him as running mate over William Ruto. Remember Ruto had the numbers yet Odinga chose to ignore him and went for Mudavadi. It is Raila who saved Mudavadi's career, he was kicked out even in his home turf during the 2002 elections when he was duped with a short tenure vice presidency. Truly, Mudavadi has demonstrated that he cannot be entrusted with the affairs of the nation. He is the water melon. A man of mistakes he is. After dumping ODM citing a disagreement over nomination process method of delegates versus county, Mudavadi launched his presidential ambition under the umbrella of UDF. His political insurgence was fast. He however didn't reach the finish line. The same forces that mislead him in 2002 knocked again. He swallowed the bait oblivious of the dangers he was posing on his political career. Ironically, he even embraced the delegate system of nomination which he had vehemently opposed while in ODM. Even to that, he was dumped rudely. He is no longer the Western region point-man. He rubbished the wisdom of the late Martin Shikuku. My advise to the Luhya vote is simple. Elect leadership that will steer not only your region but a country as a whole to a whole new level. Be wise. Don't be swayed by money. I rest my case.

Monday, 17 December 2012


By now, even a 5-month kid knows how famous and influential I am in Maji Mafupi village and beyond borders. Many, like Sitayi ofcourse cannot accept the fact that I have fought tooth and nail to gain the undisputed fame. He, like a standard two kid, argues that I used a back door to gain my fame. Well, as you know, Sitayi is a ‘mkono birika’ type of people. Not even his nuclear family likes him. You see, after the tea bonus that saw Sitayi laugh all the way to the bank with a cheque worth 7,627 shillings, the man showcased his gluttonous nature after spending nearly everything in Borabu hotel leaving his family wallowing with hunger pangs. That is Sitayi for you. Of course he has waged a losing war against a solid rock like me.
Anyway, leave Sitayi alone. He is not worth my airtime here. You see, after the political realignment in our country, political aspirants have got themselves into a tough terrain. They must have strong grounds men for them to pull through. That is where I come in. My name, which has spread like bush fire to the neighbouring communities has compelled aspirants to sought after me.  They are trying to convince me to be their pointman in Majimarefu and even Majimafupi. Well, that comes with a price. As you all know, this dry season, my farming output has gone on a go-slow. This has forced me to look for alternative ways of ensuring abundant flow of food to my angels. I reluctantly had to offload some girls for marriage. Although they hadn’t fully attained 17 years, the maximum age of marriage as stipulated in my constitution, I decided to marry them off so that we can use the dowry for our family survival. 

Sunday, 16 December 2012

The Misery of an unregistered voter

As the deadline for the IEBC voter registration looms, several Kenyans with myself inclusive risk being locked out of this noble process. And this is not attributed to my apathy but rather for reasons that are beyond my control. The IEBC, has categorically instructed voter registration clerks to turn away Kenyans who do not possess original identity card or passport away even if they are eligible to vote. That is where my beef with Isack Hassan’s IEBC battalion begins.
  When this once in five year exercise began, I, like many other patriotic Kenyans was excited to jump into the bandwagon of the engineers of change. I was ready to register until muggers came knocking by my door. These armed young men spare my life but could not spare my wallet with which my national identity card was among the untraceable contents. Coincidentally, these deadly men took my identity card when I needed it most. I was planning to resister as a voter the same day.
 In order to beat the deadline as stipulated by the IEBC, I rushed to the nearby police station where I obtained an abstract. With hope that IEBC had factored in such unforeseen circumstances, I went to the registration center armed with the abstract. To prove my authenticity even further, carried with me the photocopy of my identity card, my ATM, my original certificates and even business card. But to my utter disappointment, I was turned away from Plainsview registrastion center in South B and was told that anything shot of original identiy card or passport was not negotiable. I walked away crestfallen knowing that the dream of being part of the change that I always advocated for had been mercilessly shattered.
Averagely, it takes more than a month for one’s identity card to be ready. In this case, mine will be ready in January, the time when the deadline would be long overdue. My friends too, who are in the same boat, will not be registered.
 Of course the mess am in could have been easily avoided if the local municipality had mounted security lights leading to my estate with police making early morning patrols to protect hard working Kenyans like me who wake up at 5am for work.
To add insult to my injury, IEBC, ironically are confirming my eligibility by sending endless messages on my phone reminding me on the need to register. I should not be blamed for the debacle  am in, what happened was beyond my control.
Finally, my question to the IEBC is, why didn’t they factor in such unfortunate circumstances? Why can’t they use police abstract and other documents to register? No one is immune from misplacing his or her identity card. It can happen to anybody. Is there no help? It is only hours before the deadline and I wish my cry for help will reach the ears of Isack Hassan. I may be one Kenyan, but I believe I am a mouthpiece of other thousands of Kenyans caught in the same pandemonium.
ID: 26216056

Thursday, 13 December 2012

If Caroline Mutoko Apologizes, She would be demeaning herself

As expected, the most successful radio queen in Kenya,Caroline Mutoko ,recently got a heated backlash from angry social media family for her facebook sentiments after a fan posted on her wall. Well, I may not agree with the way she handled the matter 100% but one thing is indeed for sure, many of the social media users use it wrongly. The cold war waged against her is preposterous. We demonstrated our idleness by throwing abuses at her rather than discussing issues.
For instance, that post could have provided a platform for discussing Safaricom in detail. Indeed, personally, I have felt the pinch of Safaricom for a long time and nothing would thrill me more than asking Bob Collymore why the tariffs are excruciating high. The reply from the Caroline was unexpected. First, she referred the lady as idle for posting on her wall. She did not generalize. If she did, then, she would be in the same bunch of idlers. She particularly referred to the lady.
The war directed to Caroline is hatred that is baseless. Members of the social media were actually waiting for such an opportune moment to pour out their venom that was held for a long time. Others even went ahead to form pages that specifically wishing her an unforeseen demise. That is hatred. That is pathetic and hurting. The engineers of such pages, I assume, have got parents or people they care about. How will you feel someone wishing them death? Not good. Don’t you think that she has a family.People who look upto her? They were hurt.
As much as she made a mistake, I feel that she should not apologize. Infact, Kenyans should ask for her forgiveness. Am talking about those who actively threw abuses at her. She is an outstanding iron lady, who has achieved so much. Many think that she is full of braggadocio, proud and bad. Well, I think she is not. She is just being herslf. She is rich. She worked to reach where she is for a long time.
 Social media is a platform that has a double aged sword. It can be used to completely destroy someone or create them. Listen to her show, do you know how much impact she has had for our society. Take time. Don’t haul your abuses to her even when you do not really know the update she made. I believe many of you, did not see. You were just abusing out of hate. Read keenly the exact text below and from there make your judgment whether to abuse or indeed shut up.

Well, here is the tex that landed her into trouble;